Craving that heart-to-heart connection with God and transformative spiritual growth without the confusion and overwhelm of navigating the Bible alone?

Blueprint to Bible Study


Blueprint to Bible Study is an online course that will connect you deeply to God through Bible study AND simplify in-depth Scripture analysis for life-transforming spiritual growth.

This course is specially designed for women of faith who yearn to grow closer to God, and live out His truth, yet find yourself saying “I wish I could really understand the Bible and connect with God through His Word” - this is for you.

Class is currently closed


Class is currently closed 〰️

REAL TALK: If your heart’s been whispering (or maybe shouting) for something more every time you open your Bible, know this - sinking into the depths of Scripture isn’t just another item on your spiritual to-do list.

It’s the bridge to a life where every day is an intimate conversation with God, and every scripture a guidepost to living your most authentic, God-aligned life.

And if that wasn’t reason enough to pay attention…

  • A heart-to-heart connection with God: This is the kind of closeness that fills your soul and spills over into every crack and crevice of your life, making it richer, fuller, brighter.

  • Spiritual blossoming: Imagine not just reading about the woman God has called you to be, but actually becoming her, day by beautiful day.

  • Simplify in-depth Bible study: Deep diving into Scripture brings you closer to the heart and thoughts of God, laying the foundation for a life aligned with His Word.

  • In-person support: The journey with God wasn’t meant to be walked alone. Get the guidance you need for your unique struggles and questions.

  • A life transformed: This is about teaming up with God to rewrite your story, facing down the shadows with Him by your side, and stepping into a life of freedom and purpose.

And all in all? It’s about living in a way that every moment is infused with His presence, His wisdom, and His peace, transforming not just your spiritual life, but EVERYTHING.

Buuuuuuuuuuut the challenge of truly understanding and connecting with God’s Word is no small hurdle…

The words of the Bible, as beautiful as they are, sometimes just don’t seem to unfold their wisdom easily.


You might be stuck with a longing to find joy in your Bible reading sessions, wishing for them to be the highlight of your day.

You might be experiencing frustration because the Bible rarely seems relevant to your actual life.

And really wanting to grow spiritually and align your life with God's truth but being unable to do that because of uncertainty on where to start or struggling to find the time.

And all this?

➡️Has probably left you feeling a bit discouraged.

➡️And not stepping into the vibrant, God-filled life you dream of.

➡️Or even worse? Feeling distant from God.


Here are the elements that make Blueprint to Bible Study a transformative experience:

 Imagine a world where you’re not just reading the Bible, but it’s reading you, transforming your heart and life, PLUS making the whole process feel like a heart-to-heart with God?

I, Megan, having walked this path and faced these struggles, empathize deeply with your journey.

That’s exactly why I poured my heart, soul, and decades of walking with God into creating something special.

With a blend of over 10 years teaching God’s word, and countless cups of coffee shared over open Bibles with women just like you, I crafted the Blueprint to Bible Study.

It’s not just a course; it’s a journey together towards God’s heart. 

It simplifies in-depth study, making it accessible and engaging, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey.

It’s about wrapping your heart around God’s word and letting it transform you from the inside out, leading to profound spiritual growth and a deeply personal relationship with God.

And it’s the KEY to not just knowing about God, but knowing Him, walking with Him, and living out His incredible plan for your life.

AND P.S. There’s absolutely no risk to step into this journey - if within a week you find it’s not the right fit, there’s a full money-back guarantee. I believe in this path so much because it’s the journey I’ve walked - and I can’t wait to walk it with you.

You’re invited to

Blueprint to Bible Study

The transformative two-week Bible Study Course to deepen your connection with God and align your life with His truth that ensures you can practice and implement your learning with support every step of the way.

Course: Blueprint to Bible Study
One time
For 2 months

Get access lifetime access to the course that helps you connect deeply with God through in-depth Bible Study.

✓ Personalized support for the first 3 weeks
✓ 3 Group call to get in-person support
✓ Lifetime Access to the course and any updates
✓ Moneyback guarantee for 7 days after course opening

CLASS currently closed


CLASS currently closed 〰️

Here’s what others have to say … about my products and working with me

Here’s What inside Blueprint to Bible Study

Two-Week Intensive Bible Study Course

Value: $150

Say goodbye to feeling lost and overwhelmed with Bible study.

The structured Two-Week Bible Study Course is here to support you with comprehensive modules (plus engaging video lessons), allowing you to deepen your understanding of God's Word.

In this course, you will discover:

  • 4 hours of teaching in Week 1 so you can build a solid foundation in your Bible study practice.

  • 2 hours of focused teaching in Week 2 so you can start implementing what you've learned with confidence.

  • Pre-recorded video lessons so your learning can fit seamlessly into your busy life.

  • Student workbook so you can track your progress and apply what you learn. It also includes helpful cheat sheets to simply Bible Study even further!

Personalized Feedback and Support

Value: $50

Say goodbye to generic study guides.

The Personalized Support feature allows you to submit your questions and struggles, offering you tailored advice that aligns with your spiritual journey.

  • Support forms at the end of each module so you feel supported every step of the way.

  • Personalized Support: You will receive answers, support, and encouragement directly from me (Megan!) for 3 weeks.

In-Person Group Calls

Value: $100

Say goodbye to going it alone.

There will be weekly group In-Person Group Calls to receive live support, answer your burning questions, and connect with fellow students.

  • 3 group calls included in this course package.

Lifetime Access to the Course

Value: timeless

Never worry about missing out.

Enjoy lifetime access to the course and all future updates, ensuring your Bible study journey continues to grow.

  • Access to all course materials and updates so you can revisit and refresh your knowledge anytime.

Money-back Guarantee

Value: Peace of Mind

Dive in with confidence; your happiness guarantee

If you're not satisfied after the first week of the course opening, we offer a full refund, no questions asked.

  • A risk-free opportunity so you can commit to your spiritual growth with assurance.


Bible Study Templates

If the idea of a structured, effective Bible study session excites you, this bonus is for you.

By enrolling today, you'll receive 2 different Bible Study templates that will assist you in navigating through Scripture with ease and clarity.

This bonus is designed to ensure that your notes, thoughts, and prayers are well-organized, enhancing your study experience.

Fresh Ways to Read Scripture Guide

When the routine of reading begins to feel stale, this guide breathes new life into your Scripture study.

In this bonus, you’ll discover 7 innovative approaches to engage with the Bible, ensuring your daily reading is anything but monotonous.

This will ensure your relationship with Scripture remains vibrant and dynamic.

Bible Study Cheat Sheets

When you need quick references and a simplified study process, these cheat sheets are your best friend.

In this bonus, you’ll have at your fingertips easy-to-use guides that help decode Scripture, making deep study accessible without the need to memorize everything.

This will ensure you study more efficiently and effectively, enriching your spiritual journey


So that means you get

  • 2 week Bible Study course with over 5 hours of teaching

  • Personalized Feedback after each module

  • 3 group calls for in-person support

  • A student workbook to guide you step by step through each lesson

  • 2 Bible Study Templates

  • Fresh ideas for future Bible Reading

  • Bible Study Cheat Sheets

Today for $300

Only $75 !!

CLASS STARTS Thursday March 14!


CLASS STARTS Thursday March 14! 〰️

So why am I the right person to be guiding you on this spiritual journey?

I'm Megan, passionate about guiding women to a deeper connection with God through Bible study. With over ten years of teaching Bible classes and mentoring in faith, I've experienced firsthand the transformative power of Scripture.

My journey, filled with both challenges and triumphs in faith, led me to create the Blueprint to Bible Study. This course is tailored to make in-depth Bible study both accessible and meaningful, ensuring it resonates with women at any point in their spiritual journey.

My approach is deeply personal, believing that every woman can cultivate a profound relationship with God through His Word. It's more than reading—it's about living the Bible in a way that deeply impacts every aspect of life.

Join me on this enriching journey. Together, we'll explore Scripture, supported every step of the way, aiming for more than knowledge—a vibrant, living faith that transforms.

Are you wondering if this is the perfect fit for you?

  • ➡️Struggling with Scripture - You find the Bible overwhelming or confusing and desire a clearer path to understanding.

  • ➡️Seeking Connection - You recognize the importance of deepening your relationship with God but aren’t sure how to make it happen.

  • ➡️Time-Constrained - You face the challenge of fitting meaningful Bible study into your busy life.

  • ➡️Desiring Growth - You long to grow spiritually and live out God’s truths in your daily life.

  • ➡️Ready for Change - You’re at a point where you’re looking for a structured, supportive way to rejuvenate your faith journey.

If you fall into ANY of the categories above, this course has been crafted just for you.

But Wait…

But wait, "Isn't this course too basic for someone who's already familiar with the Bible?"

Here's why that's not the case:

I, Megan, believe that no matter where you are in your spiritual journey, there's always room to grow and deepen your connection with God.

I understand the desire for more profound insights and the frustration with surface-level studies, and that you deserve a transformative experience - without feeling like you're just going through the motions.

That’s why I created Blueprint to Bible Study, with the goal to offer both foundational teachings for newcomers and deeper dives for veterans.

Now, your study can be rejuvenated and enriched, even if you’ve walked with the Bible for years.

You might be thinking right now "This sounds amazing, but can I really afford another online course?"

Consider this…

It's common to feel apprehensive about investing money in yet another course, but here's a different perspective:

Consider the value of what you're receiving versus the cost. This isn't just any course; it's a pathway to deepen your connection with God and transform your approach to Bible study.

Remember, investing in your spiritual growth is investing in a part of your life that impacts everything else.

The truth is, for about the cost of a daily coffee run, you're getting access to not just knowledge, but a closer relationship with God and a more fulfilling life.

IF YOU'RE THINKING: "Can I really grow closer to God through an online course?"

Let me share something important

At the core of my teaching is a belief that our connection with God transcends physical spaces and traditional learning environments.

It’s completely natural to question if an online format can truly nurture your spiritual growth. Yet, I invite you to consider this: God meets us where we are, in the quiet of our homes, in the chaos of our days, and yes, even through our screens.

Remember, this course is designed as a bridge, lovingly crafted to lead you closer to God's heart, no matter where you're starting from.

Which is also exactly why I created an online course! The material in this course is what I’ve been teaching my in-person students for years, and now I want to bring it to you, in your home!


ONLY $75 for full course access

*Limited to only 25 spots to ensure personalized feedback. Offer includes Lifetime Access and a Money Back Guarantee if you're not satisfied after the first week. Secure your place today and start your journey to deeper Bible study and a closer relationship with God.

Money Back Guarantee

And in case you were worried - joining is risk-free! You're protected by a 1-week "Happiness Guarantee."

If you're feeling hesitant about whether Blueprint to Bible Study will truly meet your needs, I want to ensure you can confidently try this course without a worry.

Why? Because I’m so sure that you'll love the deep connection with God and the transformative insights into Scripture that you have one week to explore the course materials, and if they are not for you for any reason? Simply let me know, and you'll get a full refund.

There's absolutely nothing to lose. You stand only to gain a more intimate relationship with God and a richer understanding of His Word.


  • Each lesson is under 20 minutes, making it manageable for even the busiest schedules. The course is structured over two weeks, but you can pace it as you like. Week 1 has 4 hours of lessons. Week 2 has 2 hours of lessons leaving you time to start implementing this right away!

  • Access is simple and online. All you need is an internet connection and a device to watch or listen to the lessons. The workbook is a pdf and can be printed or used digitally with any pdf note taking app.

  • You’ll still receive personalized feedback by email, based on what you submit on the feedback form at the end of every module. (5 total modules means you’ll have opportunity for support 5x and each step of the way!)

  • You still have lifetime access and can finish at your own pace! After 3 weeks you will lose the personalized support option though. Lifetime access includes all future updates and additional materials.

  • Yes, we offer a 1-week money-back guarantee. The week starts once the course opens. If you're not satisfied for any reason, you can get a full refund.

  • The course will open within 10 days of purchase or sooner. You will receive an email after you purchase will the exact start date.

  • You'll receive a confirmation email and get started information. The course will open on your scheduled start day. Your start date will be listed in the welcome email.

  • Feel free to reach out directly through the contact page, or email Megan at

  • Make this the year you finally dive deep into God's Word and experience the transformative power of a closer relationship with Him TODAY!

Blueprint to Bible Study

All this for only…

Only $75!

*Limited to only 25 spots to ensure personalized feedback. Secure your place today and start your journey to deeper Bible study and a closer relationship with God.